Please note that our offices will be closed from Tuesday 24th December 2024 and reopen on Thursday 2nd January 2025.
Greetings eSMS-S™ and eREP-S™ users - we hope that you find the following information both useful and instructive and that it provides you with more perspective on what is available to assist you in your safety management journey, whether you are in either the aviation or non-aviation spectrum.
Our L&A Cape Town IT software department is working at full steam to enhance the eSMS-S™ PREMIUM and eSMS-S™ PLUS client versions.
Additionally, our separate add-on stand-alone eTOOLS-S programmes are now available to eSMS-S™and other clients - and we look forward to providing you further information on eFLITE-S, eVENT-S, eREP-S™, eREVIEW and eTEND-S™, with more e-Tools to be launched soon.
Now is the right time to CHOOSE YOUR TOOLS!
Importantly, please remember that all our clients receive both complimentary, initial and ongoing refresher training for the entire duration of their contract with us. Suggestions or glitches are reported via a ticketing system and we welcome your feedback.
For all enquires, please contact us at the following email addresses:
General support - info@litson.co.za
eSMS-S™ support - Natashia at support@esms-s.com
eREP-S™ support - Hanli at info@erep-s.com
We look forward to assisting you!